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Un anno di gioco, creatività, rituali e consapevolezza seguendo il ritmo della natura

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A year of play, creativity, rituals and mindfulness following the rhythm of nature

Following the rhythm of the Australian seasons, Growing with Nature is a year-long journey of nature exploration and connection. With engaging and creative activities, inspiring stories, nourishing recipes, herbal remedies, rituals and mindfulness prompts to mark special events, this book offers so many ways to invite the wonders and wisdom of nature into our homes and playtime.

This book has been created to inspire and empower parents and educators who value nature-based play and learning, and are ready to embark on this experiential journey with the children in their life. 


With step-by-step instructions, full colour images and a beautiful hardcover for durability, Growing with Nature is a book to be cherished for years.

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Who is it for?

Everyone would benefit from the nature connection practises listed in this book, however we think it is particularly suitable for:


Families who love the outdoors, natural living and are looking for ways to bring more presence and connection in their lives.

Early childhood educators and primary school teachers who value and support nature pedagogy.


Forest schools, bush kindys, nature playgroups facilitators who are looking for an easy to follow, holistic curriculum.


Homeschooling co-ops and communities.

Each activity includes detailed instructions, features beautiful full colour imagery and illustrations and is often accompanied by additional resources that can be downloaded on our website.

Stampato in Australia

Over 300 pages of plastic free, sustainable activities for the whole family

Copertina rigida, pagine a colori

Supporting local businesses

"Che magnifico viaggio è nella magia dell'infanzia e nella nostra squisita connessione con la natura. Penso che questo sia un libro di cui trarrebbero beneficio tutti i genitori che desiderano che i propri figli siano connessi alla terra. Mi è piaciuto molto leggerlo e vorrei che i miei figli fossero ancora piccoli per accompagnarli in questo viaggio.

Lo condividerò sicuramente con le guide della mia scuola. Complimenti per un'offerta così bella ad adulti e bambini ovunque. "

Lael Stone, educatrice e educatrice di Aware Parenting; autore

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